HRA Advocacy Course



On 20 January 2010, Hong Kong’s Legislative Council passed the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Ordinance which will establish a system for the grant of Higher Rights of Audience to suitably-qualified Solicitors. Qualification will enable Hong Kong Solici­tors to appear as ‘Solicitor-Advocates’ in the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal and the Court of Final Appeal. A Higher Rights of Audience Assessment Board, chaired by a Judge and comprising 10 other members (including representatives from the Hong Kong Law Society and the Hong Kong Bar) has been appointed by the Chief Justice to receive and determine appli­cations from eligible solicitors for the grant of higher rights of audience. In order to obtain Higher Rights of Audience, applicants will have to pass the assessment prescribed by the Higher Rights of Audience Rules.

The grant of Higher Rights of Audience represents a significant opportunity for Hong Kong Solicitors. Until now, Solicitors have been denied the right to appear in Hong Kong’s Higher Courts. In order to help you to make the most of this exciting new opportunity, IP Learning are pleased to offer the IP Learning Higher Rights of Audience Advocacy Training Course.


The IP Learning Higher Rights of Audience Advocacy Training Course is designed to equip Solicitors with the advocacy skills necessary to appear as advocates in Hong Kong’s Higher Courts. The Course, which will be taught by a team of Counsel each of whom have extensive experience both in practice and as advocacy trainers, will include detailed instruction on the following:

• Communication skills

• Case analysis and preparation

• The skills of the Trial Advocate

• Trial practice, procedure and evidence

• Non-trial and pre-trial advocacy

• Written advocacy

• Appellate advocacy

The ‘NITA Method’ of advocacy training will be used throughout the Programme.

This method, pioneered by the National Institute of Trial Advocacy, and now adopted throughout the common law world, provides immediate oral feedback on the content of the advocate’s performance, followed by a video review. The video review is conducted by a second trainer using the video recording of the advocate’s performance. This second review focuses on delivery style and also provides an opportunity for the advocate to raise any questions they may have with the trainer.


Colin Wright

Colin Wright was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1987.  Colin first came to Hong Kong in 1991, working originally with a firm of solicitors.  In 1999, he was admitted as a barrister in Hong Kong.  Colin has appeared as Counsel in many leading Conveyancing and Civil cases at all levels of the superior courts in Hong Kong, including the Court of Final Appeal.  He has combined an extensive practice as a barrister with his teaching responsibilities.  He taught at the University of Hong Kong as a part-time tutor in law between 2001 and 2006. Since 2006, he has taught on the IP Learning Preparatory Course for the OLQE.

Colin is ranked in the Legal 500 Asia-Pacific 2021 as a leading practitioner.  He is ranked for Shipping & Commodities (Tier 1) and Commercial (Tier 2).  He is described as “A persuasive and committed advocate.

Colin has been a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since 1998.  Colin has appeared as Counsel in many of leading civil cases in recent years including:

  • Libertarian Investments v Hall (2013) 16 HKCFAR 681 (Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal; duties of fiduciaries)
  • The Pontodamon [2011] 5 HKLRD 126 (Collision between two vessels at sea)
  • Cogi v Incorporated Owners of Malahon Apartments (Court of Appeal; obligations  of  incorporated  owners  under  a  deed  of  mutual  covenant)
  • Tradepower (Holdings) Ltd v Tradepower Ltd [2010] 1 HKC 380 (Court of Final Appeal; claim under section 60 of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance)
  • Carewins v Bright Fortune Ltd (2009) 16 HKCFAR 681 (Court of Final Appeal; liability of carrier for misdelivery of goods shipped under a straight bill of lading)
  • World Fuel Services v Florens [2007] 3 HKC 332 (Court of Final Appeal; jurisdiction to order costs against a funder of litigation)
  • Bank of China v Fung [2003] 1 HKLRD 181 (Court of Final Appeal; mortgagee’s claim for possession)
  • Daiwa Bank v Foco Woollen Yarns [2002] 3 HKC 258 (mortgagee’s claim for possession)
  • Wellfit Investments Ltd v Poly Commence Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 236 (Hong Kong style completion; vendor’s right to rescind; one of the last appeals from Hong Kong to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council)

Contact us for further information on our HRA Advocacy Training Programme or any of our Courses.

Contact Information

Address: Suite 9B, 9th Floor,
12-13 Jubilee Street,
Central, Hong Kong


Telephone: +852 2858 1000
Fax:               +852 2858 8882